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How much gluten is in pizza?

How much gluten is in pizza?

How much gluten is in pizza?

Are you a pizza fan looking to eat healthier, but feeling overwhelmed by all of the conflicting information about gluten and other dietary restrictions? Do you need to know how much gluten is in that delicious cheesy slice? 

From a crispy crust to an ultra-soft dough, pizza lovers can tailor their perfect bite with carefully selected flours. Depending on the desired texture, gluten content in flour varies from 9% up to 15%, creating diverse textures for every palate.

In this post, we will explore the facts surrounding the topic of pizza and gluten content. We discuss what gluten is and why it matters, as well as provide information about the different types of pizza crusts commonly found across American Cuisine. With all these details at hand, you can make informed decisions on whether your favorite pizza is part of a healthy diet. So grab yourself a slice and let’s get started!

What is gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It provides ‘elasticity’ to the dough which gives it its chewy texture. When combined with water, gluten forms long strands that trap air bubbles and create the distinct texture associated with pizza crust. When heated, gluten proteins form thick gel-like structures, giving the pizza its final shape and structure.

It’s common confusion that gluten is found in flour, but this isn’t the case. When two proteins – gliadin and glutenin- within all-purpose flour interact with water or liquid containing water like milk, they link together to form gluten. Instead of considering how much actual gluten we’re consuming from certain flours though, it pays more dividends to think about the amount of protein necessary for producing the said substance present instead!

How much gluten is in pizza dough?

Have you ever wondered which type of flour is best for pizza dough? It all depends on the texture and flavor that you’re after! 

Enjoy a variety of pizza styles with the perfect flour! From soft and chewy to firm, an array of textures can be achieved by selecting varying amounts of gluten content. Pizza flours range from 9% for light texture up to 15%, giving you maximum control over your recipes.

For perfect pizza, it’s important to use dough with the right amount of gluten. Plain flour has a protein content (around 9-10%) too low for optimal results.

But if it’s something more along the lines of bread like sourdough or ciabatta, then Strong White Bread Flour with 12 – 14% gluten should do the trick. 

Strong white bread flour – boasting an impressive 12-14% protein content, this high gluten variety works best for creating that classic ‘bread’ flavor and texture in everything from sourdough to ciabatta with its signature holes.

For an optimal result when baking pizzas, Tipo 0 and Tipo 00 flours have just what you need at around 12.5%.

What about gluten-free pizza dough?

As we discover more about the critical role that gluten plays in making delicious pizza dough, you may be wondering if it’s still possible to enjoy a slice without all of those wheaty worries. Actually, yes! Gluten-free pizzas can easily, and deliciously! be crafted using various types of flour and starch like rice flour or almond meal as well as potato starch or tapioca starch -it is just that simple!

Pizza dough made with gluten-free ingredients may lack the cohesive and elastic nature of traditional pizza dough, resulting in a much different texture. When rolling out your crust for a gluten-free pie, be sure to handle it gently – too much stretching or pressure can cause tearing!


Q: What type of flour should I use for pizza dough?

A: The type of flour you should use depends on the texture and flavor that you’re after. Plain flour has a protein content (around 9-10%) too low for optimal results, while strong white bread flour has 12 – 14% gluten. Tipo 0 and Tipo 00 flours have around 12.5%, which is ideal for making pizza dough with an optimal result.

Q: Is it possible to make a gluten-free pizza?

A: Yes! Gluten-free pizzas can be crafted using various types of flour and starch like rice flour or almond meal as well as potato starch or tapioca starch. When rolling out your crust for a gluten-free pie, be sure to handle it gently – too much stretching or pressure can cause tearing.


In conclusion, the amount of gluten in a typical pizza will depend on many factors. First, the type of flour used can affect the gluten content. Additionally, any additives or toppings added to the pizza will also affect its gluten content. To be safe, when ordering a pizza meal a person should ask if the crust has been made with certified gluten-free ingredients.

Finally, when baking your pizzas at home you should opt for using higher protein flour and reduce water levels to make sure that you are obtaining a crust with a high level of gluten. Eating pizza while living with Celiac Disease or being sensitive to gluten is important only if done responsibly and in moderation.

Thanks for reading our article “How much gluten is in pizza?” If you want to know more information, visit our website here.


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