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How Often Should You Eat Pizza?

How Often Should You Eat Pizza?

Ever since its inception, pizza has become a global sensation. From NYC-style thin crust to Chicago deep dish and everything in between, different regions have each put their spin on this beloved food. Nowadays, pizza is enjoyed by all – including those who are health conscious! So how often can you eat it without jeopardizing your diet or nutrition goals? Read on to find out the answer and learn about some of the other factors that should be taken into account.

Eating pizza is a favorite pastime of many, but how often should we be indulging in this delicious food?

Nutrition experts are increasingly recommending that it shouldn’t be more than once every few weeks.

Read on to explore all the pros and cons of eating pizza so you can make an informed decision about your diet.

How much pizza is perfect to eat in one sitting?

The amount of pizza that is acceptable to eat in one sitting will depend on the individual and their calorie needs. 

Indulging in an entire pizza can significantly increase your intake of unwanted kilojoules, sodium, and saturated fat, regardless of whether you opt for a healthier option such as a veggie pizza on a thin crust. As such, I advise against consuming the entire pie for the sake of your health.

Generally, it is recommended that you consume no more than two slices at a time so as not to exceed your desired caloric intake. 

It’s important to remember though, that pizza can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. 

It’s important to keep in mind that pizza alone doesn’t make a balanced meal. To ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients, consider pairing it with a generous side of vegetables, such as a large salad. As a general guideline, for the average person, having two or three slices of pizza alongside veggies is a good starting point for maintaining balance in your diet.

Here’s a handy tip for dining out with friends: share a pizza and some fresh sides between two or three of you. And if you’re enjoying a takeout pizza at home, consider serving yourself slices on a plate instead of digging in straight from the box to help you control your portions.

How Often Should You Eat Pizza?

Limiting your pizza consumption to once or twice in 15 days is highly recommended by health experts and dieticians. The reason? Pizza often contains refined flour, processed cheese, canned vegetables, and calorie-rich sauces, which can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, obesity, high cholesterol, and indigestion. Consistent consumption of these types of foods can have unfavorable health effects. Plus, regularly indulging in pizza prevents our bodies from getting essential vitamins and nutrients found in freshly prepared homemade meals. It’s time to reconsider your pizza intake and prioritize your health with a balanced diet.

Why You Can Eat Too Much Pizza?

Enjoying pizza in moderation with a side of vegetables like a salad can be a healthy part of your diet if you’re a pizza lover. However, overindulging in three or four slices (or more!) regularly will have negative health consequences. Moderation is key to enjoying pizza while maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

Put you at a higher risk for heart disease

Plain cheese pizza might seem like a harmless indulgence, but did you know that just one slice can pack up to 400 calories? And that’s not even including the extra calories from popular toppings like pepperoni. But it’s not just about the calories – the cheese and processed meat in pizza are also high in artery-clogging saturated fat, which can increase your risk for heart disease. 

The 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans advise against consuming more than 10% of your daily calories from this type of fat. One slice of store-bought pizza can contain as much as 20% of the daily recommended amount of saturated fat. 

Consistent intake of multiple slices of pizza can quickly exceed this limit and put you at a higher risk for heart disease. Pairing pizza with the soda can further increase health concerns. 

Quickly lead to unwanted weight gain

Did you know that indulging in just two or three slices of store-bought pizza can easily add up to 800 to 1,200 calories to your daily intake? And if you opt for pepperoni, that number can skyrocket even more. Considering the average diet calls for 2,000 calories, those plain pizza slices account for a whopping 40 to 60 percent (or more!) of your daily allowance–and that doesn’t even include your other meals and snacks. Over time, this habitual calorie overconsumption can lead to unwanted weight gain.

Insufficient fiber intake

The US dietary guidelines (2015-2020) recommend that half of the grains consumed should be whole. However, most pizza crusts are made from refined flour that lacks fiber. Consistent consumption of pizza made from refined grains means you’re not getting enough whole grains in your diet, which is essential for a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Insufficient fiber intake could also increase your risk of colon cancer and high cholesterol levels.

Heighten the chance of acquiring specific types of cancer

Elevating your pizza with processed meats rich in high fats, like pepperoni, bacon, and sausage, may escalate your vulnerability to certain types of cancer – particularly if consuming pizza frequently. However, if pizza is what you desire, opting to replace those high-fat meats with vegetables filled with fiber would be the healthier choice, ultimately leading to a lower risk of cancer.


For those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, pizza can still be an indulgence. Ideally sticking to two-three slices a week should help you keep within dietary guidelines. But some suggest that only having one slice in the future would be best for health benefits. However, finding balance is key and pizza is acceptable now and again — just try to make healthy choices when selecting toppings and sauces.

Ultimately it comes down to your personal goals and preferences when determining how often you should eat pizza. If you are willing to put in the extra effort of making homemade versions with nutrient-rich ingredients, then you can reap the benefits without excess guilt or sacrifice. Whether it’s a Friday night treat or a once-in-while indulgence, eating pizza can enhance life’s special moments while nurturing your body at the same time.

Thanks for reading our article “How Often Should You Eat Pizza?” If you want to know more information, visit our website here.


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