How To Use A Pizza Stone?

How To Use A Pizza Stone?

A pizza stone is a great little addition to any home cook’s kitchen. Home cooks have been using them for years to achieve the crispy crust on their homemade pizzas that you can only get in restaurants.

From what I’ve read, there are two schools of thought when it comes to using a pizza stone. The first method involves heating up the stone in the oven before putting your dough on it and cooking your pizza directly on the hot stone.

The second method is even more simple: just bake your pizza directly on an unheated pizza stone set inside the oven.

You might be wondering which of these methods gives you a better result – and which one takes less effort? Does baking directly on an unheated pizza stone produce a better crust than heating up the stone in the oven? Let’s find out.

How To Use A Pizza Stone

What is a pizza stone?

A pizza stone is a large, flat piece of ceramic or stone that draws moisture away from your crust to produce a crispier finished product. Pizza stones are often round, but they can be square too – it just depends on what shape will fit inside your oven.

The stone is an important part of cooking a pizza because it absorbs the heat in your oven and radiates that heat to produce a crispy crust. Pizza stones can be bought relatively cheaply, and they come in a variety of sizes. The best way to find out what size is best for you is to measure the inside of your oven.

There are many different size stones available. The most common size is 14 inches, but you can find stones as small as 6 inches and some that are way bigger than your oven!

Pizza stones can be made from a variety of materials including stoneware, firebrick, aluminized steel, terra cotta, cast iron, and even soapstone.

The best pizza stone may come down to what material your personal taste prefers. Soapstone offers the advantage of being able to get it wet during the baking process without worrying about cracking or breaking – but on the other hand, it’s more expensive than aluminized steel. Aluminized steel might be better for you if you live in an area with high humidity levels because it resists rusting.

How Does A Pizza Stone Work?

A pizza stone works by absorbing the moisture released from your dough, creating a crispy crust. Most people don’t realize that with regular oven cooking you’re fighting against the moisture created in your dough as it cooks. With a pizza stone, all of the heat radiates off the surface of the stone and evenly browns your bread or pizza crust before moist air can make its way underneath to make a soggy crust.

The stone also helps to evenly cook your pizza, so you’re not left with a section that’s burnt while the rest of the pizza is still doughy.

Why use a pizza stone?

Baking your pizza on a hot stone will give you a crispy bottom crust and a moist, fluffy center. This technique works especially well if you like thin-crust pizzas.

But the greatest advantage to using a pizza stone isn’t what it does for your finished product – it’s how much easier it makes making pizza at home! The heat from the stone sears the outside surface of your dough, creating air pockets that never form when baking a pizza in an oven. These air pockets create delicious little nooks and crannies that are perfect for trapping melted cheese or sauce!

You can even take this one step further by cooking the toppings themselves directly on top of the stove before adding them to your raw crust. Once you brush on a little olive oil, your toppings will start to sizzle and cook right before your eyes.

Another advantage of using a pizza stone is that you can use it to cook other things besides pizza. Try cooking calzones, naan bread, or even chocolate chip cookies on your pizza stone for a crispy outside and a soft and chewy inside.

How to Use A Pizza Stone In A Pizza Oven

There are two main methods for cooking pizza on a pizza stone – heating up the stone before putting your dough on it, or baking the pizza directly on the hot stone.

Heating up the stone in the oven is the most common way to cook a pizza, but some people find that baking the pizza directly on an unheated pizza stone produces a better crust. Let’s take a look at both methods and see how they work.

Method 1: Heating up the stone in the oven

Heating your stone on its own before putting your pizza dough on it is the most common method of cooking, and will give you that chewy crust that everyone loves so much.

1) Preheat the oven with an empty baking sheet to 500°F. Place pizza stone (with all toppings off!) directly on top of the hot baking sheet to preheat for 20-30 minutes while you prepare your dough, sauce, and toppings. You don’t want to bake directly on a cold surface – this causes sticking and makes it hard for you to slide your topped pie onto a serving plate without wrecking all of your hard work.

2) Once the oven and stone are preheated, dust your work surface with a little semolina flour (or all-purpose flour, if that’s all you have) and roll out your dough.

3) Transfer your rolled-out dough to the pizza peel that has been generously dusted with flour or cornmeal. If you’re not using a peel, you can also use a sheet of parchment paper or a Silpat liner.

4) Spread your sauce over the dough, sprinkle on your toppings and then slide the pizza (on its peel or liner) onto the hot pizza stone in the oven.

5) Bake for 10-15 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is bubbly.

6) Remove from oven and transfer to a cutting board. Let your pizza cool slightly before slicing (otherwise, the cheese will burn you). Serve and enjoy!

Method 2: Baking directly on the stone

Baking your pizza directly on an unheated baking stone is a little trickier, but many people swear that it gives them a thicker crust and better browning of the toppings. Baking without pre-heating can take longer – 18-20 minutes or even longer in some cases if you have particularly dense toppings – so be patient.

1) Preheat the oven with an empty baking sheet to 500°F. Place pizza stone (with all toppings off!) directly on top of the hot baking sheet to preheat for 20-30 minutes while you prepare your dough, sauce, and toppings. You don’t want to bake directly on a cold surface – this causes sticking and makes it hard for you to slide your topped pie onto a serving plate without wrecking all of your hard work.

2) Once the oven and stone are preheated, dust your work surface with a little semolina flour (or all-purpose flour, if that’s all you have) and roll out your dough.

3) Transfer your rolled-out dough directly to the hot pizza stone in the oven. It doesn’t need to sit on top of anything because it isn’t being transferred from one pan to another. If you’re not using a peel, you can also use a sheet of parchment paper or a Silpat liner.

4) Spread your sauce over the dough, sprinkle on your toppings and then slide the pizza (on its peel or liner) onto the hot pizza stone in the oven.

5) Bake for 10-15 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is bubbly.

6) Remove from oven and transfer to a cutting board. Let your pizza cool slightly before slicing (otherwise, the cheese will burn you). Serve and enjoy!

So which method is better? It really depends on your own preferences and what type of crust you like. Heating up the stone before putting your dough on it gives you that classic chewy crust that loves while baking directly on an unheated stone can give you a thicker crust with better browning.

The method you choose is really up to your personal taste. You can still check on the pizza with either method without any problems, but if you’ve got a lot of pizzas to make then the second one might be better for you. Either way, have fun with your toppings and enjoy that delicious pizza!

Seasoning a pizza stone 

Pizza stones are available for purchase already seasoned, but what’s the point of seasoning? You don’t want to use butter or oil directly on your stone as this will create smoke and possibly even set off the fire alarm. Instead, you should buy some kosher salt which acts as an abrasive cleaner that won’t react with your pizza stone.

To season a pizza stone, make sure the stone is cool to touch and sprinkle it liberally with kosher salt. Using a damp cloth, scrub away until most of the residue is gone. Rinse with water, dry completely, and put in a cold oven. Heat up the oven up to 400 °F (200 °C) for one hour then turn it off and let it cool down inside the oven.

Side note: you should never use soap on a pizza stone because it can get into the porous surface and make your crust come out soggy. If you want to go the extra mile for a seasoned pizza stone that will be extremely non-stick then you may consider using a little bit of oil or melted butter after seasoning but before adding your dough.

Caring for a Pizza Stone

Once your pizza stone is seasoned, it’s important to keep it that way. Here are a few tips on how to care for your stone:

Store the pizza stone in a dry place when not in use.

If the pizza stone becomes wet, dry it off as soon as possible to prevent any staining or pitting.

Do not use soap or abrasive cleaners on the pizza stone – only kosher salt or water.

If your pizza stone develops any cracks, discontinue use and replace.

Never put a pizza stone in the dishwasher.

Now that you know how to care for your pizza stone, it will last for years and years of delicious pizza making!

How to Clean a Pizza Stone

Pizza stones should be cleaned after each use. Here’s how:

Allow the stone to fully cool down, then brush off any debris that may have stuck to it.

Wipe the surface with a wet paper towel or cloth then immediately dry it thoroughly. Make sure you don’t leave any water standing on the stone because it could cause damage and become extremely slippery when used in the oven.

Let your cooled pizza stone continue cooling for at least an hour before storing it so it doesn’t crack or chip from temperature changes.

The best way to clean a pizza stone is with kosher salt.

Sprinkle the salt over the surface of the stone and then use a damp cloth to scrub away until most of the residue is gone.

Rinse with water, dry completely, and put in a cold oven.

Heat up the oven up to 400 °F (200 °C) for one hour then turn it off and let it cool down inside the oven.

Some people recommend placing your heated pizza stone into cold water immediately after using it so that condensation forms inside the pores of the stone, making them easier to clean. This can be effective if the stone has gotten really dirty, but it also carries some risks. A sudden change in temperature can cause the stone to crack or break so you should never do this with stones that already have any cracks or chips in them.

Alternatively, there are special cleansers on the market that will help remove any stains and odors while still being safe for use on your pizza stone, just make sure you read directions carefully before using these. Now go enjoy making some lovely pizzas!

Cleaning a pizza stone is pretty easy, but there are a few things you need to know. First of all, you should never use soap on a pizza stone – it will get into the porous surface and make your crust come out soggy. Secondly, you should never put a pizza stone in the dishwasher.

Now that you know how to clean a pizza stone, it will be easy to keep it in good condition for years of delicious pizza making!

What Are Other Uses for a Pizza Stone?

Pizza stones can be used for more than just pizza – they can also be used for bread, pastries, and even calzones. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can use your pizza stone to make a variety of other dishes as well. Here are a few ideas:

Roast vegetables: place sliced vegetables on the pizza stone and roast them in the oven for delicious, healthy side dishes.

Create a dessert pizza: spread Nutella or another type of chocolate spread over the dough before adding your favorite fruits and nuts.

Bake a quiche: the possibilities are endless when it comes to quiche, but a pizza stone is a great way to get that crispy crust.

Make naan bread: place a hot pizza stone in the oven and heat the oven to 500 °F (260 °C). Next, tear off a chunk of naan dough and stretch it out with your hands. Place on the heated pizza stone for 30 seconds or until you see bubbles form. Remove from oven and brush lightly with melted butter, garlic salt, and/or parmesan cheese if desired.

Make flatbread: spread the dough out into a round shape with your hands then place on the preheated pizza stone in the oven for 5 minutes or until cooked through.

Serve meatballs: make meatballs using this recipe and cook in the 400° F (205° C) oven for minutes instead of baking them in sauce in the oven.

Make pita bread: using this recipe, brush dough with olive oil and place in the 400° F (205° C) oven for 5 minutes or until cooked through.

Bake scones: use your pizza stone to get that crispy outside crust on your pastries!

Now get creative and enjoy all of the delicious meals you can make with a pizza stone!

Tips To Make the Most of a Pizza Stone

If you haven’t already gotten yourself a pizza stone, now is the time! They are relatively low-cost and can make some pretty tasty meals. If you’re new to using a pizza stone, here are some tips that will help you get started:

Make sure to heat up your oven for at least half an hour before placing the dough on the heated pizza stone. Your oven needs to be extremely hot in order for this to work properly.

Roll out the dough into a circle (or whatever shape you want) then place it on top of parchment paper or aluminum foil. You can take off the paper after baking but leaving it on will make it easier when transferring from countertop to preheated pizza stone in the oven, plus it also prevents the bottom of your pizza from getting too soggy.

Make sure to use a lot of sauce and toppings because there won’t be any crust to hold them on.

Keep an eye on your pizza – it will only take about 10 minutes to cook so don’t leave it in the oven for too long.

Once you’ve taken your pizza out of the oven, let it cool for a few minutes before cutting it into slices. If you try to cut into it while it’s still piping hot, you’ll most likely end up with a melted mess on your hands!

If you’re using a pizza stone for the first time, it’s best to start with a simple recipe so you can get the hang of things.

Try not to overload your pizza stone – too much dough or toppings can cause the crust to come out soggy.

Store your pizza stone in a cool, dry place when not in use.

Once your pizza stone has been seasoned, you may want to re-season it every couple of years.

Be patient when cooking with your pizza stone – this is especially true with bread and pastries. Let them cool down for a few minutes before removing them from the stone so you don’t burn yourself on melted butter!

Now that you’re armed with all this knowledge, go make some delicious pizzas.

What is A Pizza Peel?

A peel is a large, flat piece of wood or aluminum used to slide pizzas into and out of an oven. They are usually around 14 inches wide although you can buy them in larger sizes if necessary. Most peels have two handles on either side for easy maneuvering, but there are some that only have one handle at the end.

Using a Pizza Peel

Pizza peels are typically used to transfer pizzas in and out of the oven. However, there are lots of other ways you can make use of this kitchen gadget:

Check if bread or pastries are cooked by sliding a pizza peel underneath them and lifting them off the hot surface.

Transfer cut fruit and vegetables from the cutting board to the plate when cooking.

Use your pizza peel to move around anything that is too big for tongs.

As you can see, there are plenty of uses for these handy gadgets so it’s always good to have one available at all times. If you plan on using your pizza peel often, it’s best not to get a cheap imitation but rather invest in a high-quality version made from either wood or aluminum.

Pizza stones become very hot, so it’s a good idea to invest in a pizza peel to keep your hands safe from burns. If you don’t have a peel already then you can always use a wooden cutting board but be prepared that you will have to replace the board if it gets burnt because only the heat resistant version of the cutting boards will survive the contact with a scorching hot pizza stone! In order to prevent your wooden cutting board from getting burnt, arrange it on top of several layers of newspaper under your stone and dough before sliding it into the oven. Once you’ve finished using your pizza stone, simply place something tall (like a jar) in between the oven door and the temperature control knob – this will keep the oven at a low temperature so your board won’t get ruined.

If you’re looking for an even easier way to slide pizzas in and out of the oven, then you should consider purchasing a pizza peel. This kitchen gadget is essential if you own a pizza stone because it makes the whole process much simpler and safer. A peel is a large, flat piece of wood or aluminum with two handles on either side – this design makes it easy to maneuver in and out of the oven. There are also some peels that only have one handle at the end which can be a bit tricky when trying to transfer larger pizzas. If you’re just starting out with making pizzas at home, I would recommend using a pizza peel because it will make your life a lot easier.

What if I Don’t Have A Pizza Peel? No Problem!

If you don’t actually own a pizza peel, then there are some other things you can use as substitutes:

Large wooden cutting board – as long as the board is heat resistant, it will work just fine.

Rolling pin with handles – if your rolling pin doesn’t have handles, simply tie a piece of string to each end and cover it with several layers of cloth so you’ve got something to grip.

Flat metal spatula or fish slice – these tools also make great substitutes for a pizza peel because they’re typically small and easy to handle. However, these alternatives will not be nearly as effective as a proper pizza peel since they don’t come with two sturdy handles like the original version (this could make it difficult to move big pizzas in and out of the oven).

Whichever option you decide to go with, just be sure that whatever you’re using is heat resistant so that it doesn’t get damaged from the high temperatures of the pizza stone.

As with any kitchen gadget, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when using a pizza peel:

Make sure your peel is well-seasoned otherwise your pizza will stick to it. You can do this by rubbing a light layer of olive oil onto the surface before baking your first pizza.

Always dust your peel with flour or cornmeal before transferring your pizza dough onto it – this will help ensure that the dough doesn’t stick.

Make sure you don’t overload your pizza peel with too many toppings or it will be difficult to transfer the whole thing.

Once your pizza is in place, use a long bread spatula or grill spatula to even out the top of the dough – this ensures that the whole thing will cook evenly.

If you need to move a large sheet of raw dough after dusting it with flour, then roll it around your rolling pin before transferring into the oven – this eliminates any excess flour and gives your dough a nice even layer that will rise properly as it bakes.

Don’t use your peel as storage for an extended period of time because this can cause damage from odors and rust. If you’re not using your peel, then store it in a dry place.

Now that you know all there is to know about using a pizza peel, it’s time to start baking some delicious pizzas! Experiment with different toppings and sauces to find your favorite combinations – the possibilities are endless!


FAQs about using a pizza stone

Does my stone need to be seasoned?

It’s not necessary to season a baking/pizza stone because it’s already pre-seasoned and ready for use right out of the box. However, if you want even more durability and flavor, then you can purchase special stones that need to be seasoned over time (some recipes recommend heating the stone in the oven at a high temperature for a few hours).

Can I use a pizza stone on my grill?

Yes, you can use a pizza stone on your grill by placing it on the indirect heat side. This will help prevent the bottom of your pizza from burning.

Can I use my pizza stone on a BBQ?

No, you can’t use your pizza stone on a BBQ because the extreme heat will damage the surface.

What is a baking/pizza stone made of?

Baking/pizza stones are generally made from fireclay, cordierite or cast iron. Fireclay and cordierite have been used for decades to make durable baking implements – they’re both non-porous and capable of withstanding high temperatures without breaking down.

How do I clean my oven after using a pizza stone?

Ovens should never be cleaned while the heating elements are still hot – this could result in your oven being damaged. In order to clean out any food debris left behind from your pizza, wait until the oven cools completely before wiping it down with paper towels (or whatever you choose). Remember that you should never use soap to clean your oven.

Can I put my pizza stone in the dishwasher?

No, you shouldn’t put your baking/pizza stone in the dishwasher because it can warp or break when heated. Also, avoid using any harsh chemicals or detergents when cleaning because these could damage the stones’ surface. If you choose not to hand-wash your stone then be sure to place it somewhere where air can circulate so that it has time to dry out properly before storage.

Can I use my pizza stone more than once?

Yes! A quality pizza stone can last for many years – even decades – as long as proper care is taken during use and storage. To ensure that your pizza stone lasts as long as possible, always let it cool completely before storing it in a dry place.

How do I know when my pizza stone is hot enough to use?

You can tell that your pizza stone is hot enough by sprinkling some flour or cornmeal over the surface then gently shaking it side to side – if the surface sizzles, then you’re good to go.

Can I use my pizza stone to bake other foods?

A: Yes, you can definitely use your pizza stone for other types of baking such as cookies, biscuits, and scones. Just be sure to adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly.

Are there any tricks I should know before using a pizza stone?

Yes! Make sure that you thoroughly clean your stone after every use because bits of food left on it will leave odors that could influence how future foods taste. Also remember that metal utensils are not recommended when using a stone because they can damage the surface.

I’ve heard rumors that a pizza stone needs to be heated before using it – is this true?

Yes, you should heat up your pizza stone for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit before baking your first pizza. If your dough or toppings need more time in the oven, then increase the temperature to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and bake until done.

What Should I Look For When Buying A Pizza Stone?

There are many different options available when it comes to buying pizza stones, so here are some things to consider before you dish out your hard-earned cash:

The size of the stone – make sure to choose one that’s the right size for your oven.

The material – there are many different materials to choose from, such as ceramic, slate, or steel.

How porous the material is – some stones are more porous than others, so if you’re looking for a stone that will produce a crispy crust, then go for one that has a low porosity rating.

The shape of the stone – most pizza stones come in rectangular or round shapes, but there are also some unique shapes available like hearts and stars.

Brand and price – do some research on what brands offer the best quality stones and find one that fits within your budget.

What features does the stone offer – most stones come with optional accessories like riser stacks, metal peels, and pizza cutters.

How To Store A Pizza Stone Safely And Effectively?

There are a few things you should bear in mind when it comes to storing a pizza stone:

Make sure that the stone is completely cooled down before putting it away because this will prevent any cracks from occurring due to extreme temperature changes.

Wrap your stone with a heavy towel or bag before placing it into a cupboard or pantry – this will help absorb any excess moisture and odors, which could negatively affect future uses.

Don’t store your stone in an area that has high humidity levels (i.e. don’t leave it near the sink). Also, make sure to clean the surface thoroughly after every use because bits of food left behind can cause damage if they’re allowed to sit on the stone for too long.

The best way to store a pizza stone is to place it in an open area where it can get some air circulation. This will help prevent any moisture from building up and will stop the stone from developing any unwanted smells.

How do I prevent my pizza dough from sticking to the pizza stone?

You can prevent your dough from sticking to the pizza stone by dusting it with flour or cornmeal before transferring it onto the peel. You can also use a long bread spatula or grill spatula to even out the top of the dough. If you need to move a large sheet of raw dough after dusting it with flour, then roll it around your rolling pin before transferring it into the oven. This eliminates any excess flour and gives you a nice and even sheet of dough.

What Should I Do If My Pizza Stone Chips Or Breaks?

If you end up dropping or chipping your stone, then it might be time to invest in a new one because these kinds of accidents can ruin even high-quality stones.

On the upside, pizza stones usually last for a very long time because they’re strong and durable.

How Much Do Pizza Stones Cost?

You can find pizza stones for as little as $7, but if you’re looking for some higher-end models then expect to dish out anywhere from $50 to $100. You’ll also have the option of buying a stone that comes with an oven rack, wooden peel, metal peel, or even a complete set that includes all of these accessories.

Can I Put A Pizza Stone In The Oven Without Putting It On The Rack?

No, because this could seriously damage your oven in the long term and cause cracks or other issues in future uses.

What Size Of Pizza Stone Should I Buy?

Most pizza stones are designed to fit inside an average home oven, so you’ll want to check what size your oven is before making a purchase. If you have a gas oven, then make sure to get a stone that’s at least 16 inches wide so that it has enough room to cook the pizza evenly. If you have an electric oven, then go for a stone that’s at least 14 inches wide.

Is It Safe To Reuse A Pizza Stone?

It’s perfectly safe to reuse a pizza stone, so long as it’s not cracked or broken. If there are any small bits of leftover food on the surface, then remove them before heating up the stone for its next use. Do not put any oil or butter on the stone before cooking – this will create a sticky mess that’s difficult to remove.


Now that you know all about what a pizza stone is and how to use one, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice! Head over to the store and pick up a pizza stone of your own so you can start creating delicious, crispy pizzas at home. And don’t forget – if you have any questions or want some extra tips, be sure to ask your local pizzeria owner or check out our website for more information!

Read more:

How To Clean Ooni Pizza Stone?

How To Clean A Pizza Stone?

How To Season A Pizza Stone?: Step By Step

How To Season A Pizza Stone?


How to Use a Pizza Stone (with Pictures) – wikiHow Life

How to Cook Pizza on a Pizza Stone: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Pizza – Wikipedia

Where did pizza originate?

A Slice of History: Pizza in America

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